The safety of the children is our top priority and tour preschool is designed accordingly. All toys and materials have high standards in terms of safety while their learning and living environment is free of sharp materials, toxic medicine and supplies, caustic materials and objects small enough to be swallowed.
Children’s living spaces are rendered secure by PARKZONE-KIDS SAFETY Company.
Life in our school is recorded through the camera system.
To provide the opportunity to teach safety and increase awareness at an early age, our preschool involves ‘Health & Safety’ works in its daily program.
Please determine the people that may pick up your child from the school when you are not available, fill the related information in the form, and bring the form to the school. Besides these people, when you need your child to be picked up from the school, please inform the school administration and share the identity information of the person who will pick up your child. Inform your acquaintance who will pick up your child about the fact that they need to carry their identity cards with them.
Please fill your child’s health form during registration to school and give it to school administration.
In order to recover easily by resting at home, our students should not come to school until they get over the contagious period of their sickness.
In case of a contagious sickness, it is very important for the parents to inform the school administration immediately so that we can inform the other parents.
Please call and inform us when your children cannot attend to school.
Students who get fever, vomit, has a runny nose, continuous sneeze, unusual weakness, irritability, deep and dry cough, red face, wet eyes, sore throat, redness or eruption on skin during the school hours are allowed to get rest away from their friends. In such cases their parents are informed and the student is sent home.
When parents and other listed acquaintances could not be reached, children are taken to the nearest infirmary or another health institution when it is necessary.
In the school, no medication can be given without the written permission of the parents. For the students to take medicine in the school please fill the Medicine Use label you stick on the medicine pack and send the medicine to school.
When the following symptoms are seen a day before, concerning the health of the other children it is important for you not to send your student to the school.
Fever as high as 370C and above,
Skin redness, swelling or any kind of eruption,
A red face, wet eyes,
Extremely runny nose,
Deep and dry cough,
Continuous sneezing,
Sore throat,
Vomiting within the last 18 hours,
Unusual tiredness, weakness, uneasiness
In order to keep other children healthy and prevent infection, please do not send your children to school for 3 days if they are on antibiotics. Students who could not come to school due to a contagious disease are expected to bring a report stating that the infection risk is no longer present and to attend the school after their recovery.
Given that there are a lot of children in our school, please give your child’s supportive medicine like vitamins and physiological saline solution at home.
In case of any accidents our school nurse does the first aid. All accidents, their reasons and the interventions are reported in duplicate and one copy is sent to the family. In case of a need for medical intervention our student’s parents are informed and after their consent, the student is taken to the appropriate health institution. In our school, a general developmental control is made throughout the year.
Our main criterion about diet is to create a natural and healthy menu. Our priorities about food are avoiding foods with additives and prepare the foods in our menu with natural and organic ingredients. We aim not to make eating a boring task for the child; on the contrary our goal is to make the suppertime a period that harbors fun and delicious surprises and children look forward to.
Our weekly supply of fruits, vegetables, eggs, comes from FARGE TARIM and the organic market in our city as well as the producers in neighboring villages.
We do not let any packaged (convenience) foods and food with chicken in our menu including any kinds of snacks, candies and sweets, packaged juices and jams, carbonated and colored drinks like cola etc., fruit powders, any kinds of drinks with coloring, packaged colored fruit yogurt and puddings, packaged soups, packaged sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise etc., packaged spices or seasoning, any kinds of chips, any food that has additives, salami, bologna sausage, hotdogs and hamburgers or any foods ready to be consumed frozen or not. We also request from you not to consume these foods outside the school either.
When we prepare the İlk Beş Preschool menu we use the amount of necessary daily intake of protein, fat, and fiber rates, and calories. Our menus which are examined by a specialized dietitian are prepared in a hygienic kitchen on a daily basis. In mid-afternoon meal we prefer foods that are high in fibers and vitamins instead of foods high in carbohydrates. All our foods have natural olive oil.
We prefer self-made composts low in sugar or again self-made beverages like apple-orange juice, linden tea, lemonade or ayran which contain no additives.
In terms of nutrition, we assure you that your children will be taken care of as much as they are in their own home.
For children to have a physically healthy day, they should get enough sleep and eat well. Given that activities start after the end of breakfast and suppertimes, students who are late for the breakfast or the lunch, eat with our support teachers and then join in the class activities. We ask you to pay attention to our suppertimes.
In our school we have three meals including breakfast, lunch and mid-afternoon meal. Suppertimes occur in company with the class teachers. Slightly after they started to school, children contribute to the group by setting their own table. This responsibility helps them grow up and be proud of themselves.
When our meals are prepared with organic and natural products, we deliver food lists to you at the beginning of each week.
As a part of our educational program, we want our children to gain the ability to eat by them selves, therefore our teachers support children to eat independently. When the teacher feeds your children they cannot gain this ability easily.